
Our motto is 'Growing in Faith and Love' and our aim is to foster Christian attitudes and values in a caring, supportive, respectful and safe environment for everyone to work and learn.


The staff of Holy Family has a responsibility for the safeguarding and protection of the children in their care and will carry out this duty by providing a caring, supportive, respectful and safe environment, where every child is valued for their unique talents and abilities, and in which all the children can learn and develop their full potential. 


The Keeping Safe Programme provides opportunities for children to develop skills they need to recognise and stay safe.  Children learn about their safe adults at school and at home and are encoruaged to speak to their safe adults when they feel worried, scared, anxious or upset.  


All teaching and non teaching staff in school are subject to criminal record checks and receive Child Protection training.


A copy of our Safeguarding Children Policy is reviewed regularly and is available on request from the school office or on the website.  


Safeguarding Team 

Designated Teacher - Miss McGranaghan
Deputy Designated Teachers - Mrs McCallan & Mrs Shannon
Deputy Designated Nursery Teacher - Mrs McDowell


Miss McGranaghan

Mrs McDowell

Mrs McCallan

Mrs Shannon